First Aid

Question Answer
How do you assist someone who has inhaled a toxic gas?Move them to an area with fresh air and seek medical help
How do you assist someone with a serious eye injury if the eye has been partially or fully ejected from the socket?Gently cover the eye with a sterile, moist dressing and seek immediate medical help
How do you treat a person with a serious eye injury who has an impaled object?Leave the object in place and seek immediate medical attention
How should you assist someone who is having a panic attack?Provide reassurance, help them focus on their breathing, and stay with them
How should you manage a chemical spill on the skin?Remove contaminated clothing and rinse the area with running water for at least 15 minutes
How should you manage a person with a severe allergic reaction if they become unconscious?Begin CPR and use an epinephrine injector if available, then call 911
How should you manage a suspected case of carbon monoxide poisoning?Move the person to fresh air and seek immediate medical help
How should you treat someone with a broken rib?Encourage deep breathing and coughing
What should you do if someone has a severe allergic reaction and loses consciousness?Perform CPR and use an epinephrine injector if available
What should you do if someone is experiencing heat stroke?Move them to a cool place, cool them down with water, and seek medical help
What should you do if someone is impaled by an object?Leave the object in place, stabilize it, and seek medical help
What's the appropriate action if someone is experiencing a diabetic emergency and is conscious?Encourage them to eat or drink something with sugar
What's the appropriate first aid for someone who has been stung by a scorpion?Keep the affected limb immobilized and seek medical attention
What's the appropriate treatment for a fishhook embedded in the skin?Leave the hook in place and seek medical assistance
What's the correct treatment for a severe electrical burn?Cover the burn with a sterile dressing and seek immediate medical attention
What's the first aid for a severe allergic reaction if an epinephrine injector (EpiPen) is not available?Call 911 and keep them still
What's the proper first aid for someone with a severe electrical shock injury?Keep the person still, call 911, and begin CPR if necessary