

My Postings to CitySpokes


Unlike typical Social Media where people brag about their children, post political messages, and share their vacation pictures with the world, your public postings in CitySpokes are more directed towards meeting a need or helping others meet their needs.

My Yard Sales

By posting your Yard Sales in CitySpokes, you gain the following advantages:

  • You can gain additional exposure for your Yard Sale, without costing you any money.
  • People looking for something specific can search all Yard Sales for that item, and only go to those Yard Sales that list that item for sale.
  • You might help someone find and come to your yard sale that is looking for a specific item that you have listed, that otherwise might not have come.
  • If you have inclement weather, a traffic accident or any other unplanned event, you can sign into your Yard Sales, and update the information with a new rain date, or provide instructions for navigating around a traffic jam.

My Merchant Requests

Do you need a product or a service? If so, you can complete a simple form describing what you are looking for, select the Business Category of Merchants that would normally provide that service, and submit your request. Then sit back and wait to see which merchants respond to your request. Pick the one that looks the best and proceed to discuss your needs with them.

In the business world, this is frequently called a Request for Proposal, or if you are the business, it is called a free Lead.

My Lost & Founds

It does not matter whether you've lost a pet, or if you've found a pet, using CitySpokes to create a Lost & Found posting can extend your reach to additional residents that might reunite a pet with its owner.

It only takes a minute to create a posting, and you can include a picture of the lost pet or the found pet if you can get close enough.

My Local Government Questions

Do you have a question you would like to ask your local government officials? You can ask it here, adding an optional picture to clarify your question. Then wait for your response. If a lot of people ask similar questions, or the government official thinks other people would be interested in the answer, the official can add it to their Frequently Asked Questions Page for their city or county.

My Employment Ads

Get a job here.

My Filter Stories

Tell us about the interesting things in your life.

My Classified Ads

Post your Classified Ads at the City, County, State, Region, or National level, depending on what you are selling and how you can deliver it or have someone pick it up. Classified Ads work differently than most Classified Ads. With CitySpokes, when you purchase a Classified Ad, you can use it over and over with different items until the ad expires. Also, you can set Security Levels so that everyone can see your contact information, only those persons that have joined and signed into CitySpokes can see it, etc.