My Yard Sales  


Create New Yard Sale

To create a new Yard Sale, enter the requested information and click Submit. If you make a mistake or want to add, modify or delete any of the information you enter, you will be able to do that as well by clicking on the Modify Yard Sale once you've created the posting.

Date: Enter the date in date format (07/10/22) by clicking in the field and selecting from the pop-up calendar. Do not enter things like "Next Saturday" or "The First Saturday every month."

Time: You can enter the time the way you like, including something like "8:00 am to 2:00 pm" or "Sunrise until everything is sold."

Title: This is another free format field so again, things like "Community Yard Sale," "Moving Sale," or "Garage Sale" are fine.

Description: This field is searchable, so you should list as many of the items you will be selling that you think people might be searching for.

Directions: You can include a link to a map, or specify the neighborhood, along with specific directions if you like.

(Click on images to enlarge)


Modify or Cancel Yard Sale